N4300 Series
Decoded Laser Scan Engine Evaluation Kit
Installation Guide
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
Introduction ................................................................. 1-1
Components................................................................ 1-3
Scanning Broken or Scratched Bar Codes ................. 2-1
Chapter 3 - Utilities
EZConfig-Scanning Introduction ................................. 3-1
Installing EZConfig-Scanning from the Web ......... 3-1
Chapter 4 - Customer Support
Technical Assistance .................................................. 4-1
Getting Started
The N4300 Evaluation Kit functions like a bar code scanner to allow feature
configuration and performance evaluation. The N4300 Evaluation Kit communi-
cates with Windows-based PC via a communication cable. The kit can be eas-
ily configured using EZConfig-Scanning.
The N4300 Evaluation Kit is only intended for evaluating the scan performance
of the N4300 scan engine and facilitating the integration of the engine with OEM
products. The kit is NOT to be integrated with any third party hardware or soft-
ware for any purpose. User accepts the N4300 Evaluation Kit “AS IS” and with
Unpacking Your Device
Remove the N4300 Evaluation Kit from the package and place on a dry, level
Note: Pick up the kit by holding the edges of the plastic mounting plate. Do not
touch the front of the kit.
ESD Precautions
The engine and evaluation kit is shipped in ESD safe packaging. Use care
when handling the scan engine and the evaluation kit outside its packaging. Be
sure grounding wrist straps and properly grounded work areas are used.
Connecting the Development Engine to the PC
The development OEM engine can connect to a PC for evaluation.
Note: The development board and the kit components are not intended for
integration and should ONLY be used for evaluation of the engine.
1. Turn off power to the terminal/computer.
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2. Connect the serial interface cable to the engine and to the matching
port on the back of the computer.
3. Connect the power supply connector to the serial interface cable.
Plug in the power supply.
4. Turn the terminal/computer power back on. The engine beeps. LED
D4 will light on the PC board. When the kit has finished initializing the
kit will beep once and LED D6 will flash once indicating the kit is ready
to use.
Note: All communication parameters between the engine and the terminal
must match for correct data transfer through the serial port using RS-
232 protocol. Scan the RS-232 interface bar code below. This
programs the Development engine for an RS-232 interface at
115,200 baud, parity-none, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and adds a suffix
of a CR LF.
RS-232 Interface
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Scanning a Bar Code
1. Press and hold SW2 button on the PC board. LED D5 will light and a laser
scanning line will be emitted.
2. Align the laser line across a bar code.
3. When the kit successfully reads the bar code the kit will beep once and LED
D6 will flash once. The laser will turn off. To turn the LEDs on, release SW2
button, the press and hold the button again.
4. Results are displayed in EZConfig-Scanning Scan Data window.
Scanning Broken or Scratched Bar Codes
The N4300 Evaluation Kit has the ability to scan broken or scratched bar codes.
Move the laser line up and down the bar code. When enabled, the N4300 Eval-
uation Kit can also scan stacked DataBar codes in the same way.
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EZConfig-Scanning Introduction
EZConfig-Scanning provides a wide range of PC-based programming functions
that can be performed on a engine connected to your PC's COM port. EZCon-
fig-Scanning allows you to download upgrades to the engine's firmware, change
programmed parameters, and create and print programming bar codes. Using
EZConfig-Scanning, you can even save/open the programming parameters for
a engine. This saved file can be e-mailed or, if required, you can create a single
bar code that contains all the customized programming parameters and mail or
fax that bar code to any location. Users in other locations can scan the bar
code to load in the customized programming.
To communicate with a engine, EZConfig-Scanning requires that the PC have at
least one available serial communication port, or a serial port emulation using a
physical USB port. If you are using the serial port and RS232 cable, an external
power supply is required.
EZConfig-Scanning Operations
The EZConfig-Scanning software performs the following operations:
Scan Data
Scan Data allows you to scan bar codes and display the bar code data
in a window. Scan Data lets you send serial commands to the engine
and receive engine response that can be seen in the Scan Data win-
dow. The data displayed in the Scan Data window can either be saved
in a file or printed.
Configure displays the programming and configuration data of the
engine. The engine's programming and configuration data is grouped
into different categories. Each category is displayed as a tree item
under the “Configure” tree node in the application explorer. When one
of these tree nodes is clicked, the right-hand side is loaded with the
parameters' form belonging to that particular category. The Configure
tree option has all the programming and configuration parameters
specified for a engine. You can set or modify these parameters as
required. You can later write the modified settings to the engine, or
save them to a dcf file.
Installing EZConfig-Scanning from the Web
2. Click on the Resources tab. Select Download.
3. Click on the dropdown for Select Product Number and select the
number of your product.
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4. Under Tools and Utilities, click on the listing for EZConfig for
5. Follow the security directions as prompted on the screen and click on
6. When prompted, select Save, and save the file to your desktop.
7. Double click on the EZConfig-Scanning zip file.
8. Double click on the EZConfig-Scanning Setup.exe file. Select
Extract All.
9. Go to the EZConfig-Scanning folder that has been created on your
desktop and double click on the EZConfig-Scanning Setup.exe file.
10. Follow the screen prompts to install the EZConfig-Scanning program.
11. If you’ve selected the defaults during installation, you can click on the
shortcut on your desktop to start EZConfig for Scanning.
Once the software is installed, you may delete the zip file and the EZCon-
fig-Scanning folder from your desktop.
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Customer Support
Technical Assistance
If you need assistance installing or troubleshooting your device, please contact
us by using one of the methods below:
Knowledge Base: www.hsmknowledgebase.com
Our Knowledge Base provides thousands of immediate solutions. If the
Knowledge Base cannot help, our Technical Support Portal (see below)
provides an easy way to report your problem or ask your question.
Technical Support Portal: www.hsmsupportportal.com
The Technical Support Portal not only allows you to report your problem, but it
also provides immediate solutions to your technical issues by searching our
Knowledge Base. With the Portal, you can submit and track your questions
online and send and receive attachments.
Web form: www.hsmcontactsupport.com
You can contact our technical support team directly by filling out our online
support form. Enter your contact details and the description of the question/
Telephone: www.honeywellaidc.com/locations
For our latest contact information, please check our website at the link above.
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Honeywell Scanning & Mobility
9680 Old Bailes Road
Fort Mill, SC 29707
N4300EvalKit-IG Rev A
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